
  • 0.01 min to run
  • /home/steffi/Projects/Business/LandmapR/Runs - FlowMapR/BR3 original FacetMapR output
  • arule file: ~/Dropbox/LITAP files/LandMapR_BR3Raw_20210427/LandMapR_Files/A7RULE.DBF
  • crule file: ~/Dropbox/LITAP files/LandMapR_BR3Raw_20210427/LandMapR_Files/C7rule.dbf

Missing values

In the original FormMapR, cells with missing elevations were generally given values of zero or 1. However, in LITAP, they remain as NA (missing) to more accurately reflect the nature of the measurement.

Visual Comparison of Form

Original vs. New Facet A values

Note: All differences in convex, concave and planar values are related to form_mapper() differences in prof and plan which result from rounding…

Original vs. New Facet C values