
  • 16.23 min to run
  • /home/steffi/Projects/Business/LandmapR/Runs - FlowMapR/Steffi_LandMapR_tests/12_FES4/ZeroThreshold_FlowMapR original FlowMapR output

Original Dem (Relief)

Original Dem (Elevation)

Visual Comparison of Sheds

Original vs. New Local Shed assignment

  • The first shed shows initial pits which are removed in the first step of pit removal (This doesn’t exist in the original program)
  • The next two are the local sheds (shedno) after amalgamating the small ones
  • Black dots are pit centres (final centres for Orig, local centres for New)
  • White outlines are Fill Pour Points for the local watersheds

Original vs. New Fill Shed assignment

  • These are the fill sheds, which reflect how sheds combined during the third pit removal process
  • Black dots are pit centres, white dots are Fill Pour Points for the final watersheds
  • Shapes should be identical to pond filling, just the numbers may be different

Numeric Comparison

Compare dem stats

Compare pond stats

Original Pond data

New Pond data


  • Each figure represents a different Pond measurement plotted by watershed
  • Blue represents original values, pink new values. If they are identical, pink is hidden by blue

Compare fill stats

Original Fill data

New Fill data


  • Each figure represents a different Fill measurement plotted by watershed
  • Blue represents original values, pink new values. If they are identical, pink is hidden by blue

Compare pit stats

Original Pit data

New Pit data


  • Each figure represents a different Pit measurement plotted by watershed
  • Blue represents original values, pink new values. If they are identical, pink is hidden by blue

Inverted DEM

  • Black dots indicate pits, or, as this is inverted, peaks
  • White dots indicate flow points

Compare values

  • Each figure reprsents a watershed measurement

Original Inverted Pit data

New Inverted Pit data


  • Each figure represents a different Inverted Pit measurement plotted by watershed
  • Blue represents original values, pink new values. If they are identical, pink is hidden by blue
## Warning: Removed 372 rows containing missing values (geom_point).