Functions in LITAP output a lot of variables, many of which are based on the original LandMapR* program, but including new ones as well. This resource is meant to explain what the various parameters mean, which files they can be found in, and whether they were included in the original LandMapR program (and under what name).

* Interpretations of LandMapR variables are derived from the LandMapR C++ User Manual, October 2003

Generic variables

These variables are common to many files in LITAP and so for the sake of brevity, will be defined here.

Generic DEM file variables

These variables correspond to dem files, meaning there is a value for each cell in the dem file.

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
seqno SeqNo

Cell number identifing a particular cell in the DEM

x --

The horizontal (longitudinal) measure of position in the units of the original dem (or metres, if not supplied)

y --

The vertical (latitudinal) measure of position in the units of the original dem (or metres, if not supplied)

row Row

Row number

col Col

Column number

elev Elev

Elevation in metres

ddir Ddir

Direction of water flow (1 = SW, 2 = S, 3 = SE, 4 = W, 5 = No flow, 6 = E, 7 = NW, 8 = N, 9 = NE)

drec Drec

The cell number (seqno) of the cell this focal cell flows into

upslope UpSlope

The number of cells which flow into and/or through the focal cell

upslope_m --

The total area of cells which flow into and/or through the focal cell in metres

uced --

Upslope cumulative elevation drop (UCED)

edge_map --

Whether or not the focal cell is on the edge of the map

ridge --

Whether or not the focal cell touches the cell belonging to a different local watershed

flow_mapper() variables


Variables in flow/dem_fill (corresponds to FlowMapR’s XXXdem.dbf).

This list only includes variables not already described above in the Generic DEMs.

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
vol2fl Vol2Fl

Volume (m³) to first flood. How much water would be present in the depression at the point when the focal cell would be first inundated.

mm2fl Mm2Fl

mm to first flood. The amount of rainfall (in mm) required to fall and contribute to flow in order to reach the volume vol2fl

parea PArea

The surface area (in cell units) of the pond at the point at which the focal cell is first inundated.


The watershed number identifying intial watersheds defined prior to omitting small or shallow depressions.

local_shed ShedNo (`XXXdem.dbf`)

The watershed number identifying local watersheds after small or shallow depressions have been removed. Represents a local, closed depression


The watershed number identifying pond watersheds for sequential pit filling and the calculation of pond statistics. (Same cells as fill_shed but numbers may be different, reflecting a different order of filling)

fill_shed ShedNow (`XXXdem.dbf`)

The watershed number identifying fill watersheds which are global catchments including surface flow to the edge of the DEM. Used in calculating of fill statistics (Same cells as pond_shed but numbers may be different, reflecting a different order of filling)


Slope gradient of rows in a easterly direction (+ = downslope towards east; - = upslope towards west


Overall slope gradient of rows (absolute sgre)


Slope gradient of columns in a northerly direction (+ = downslope towards north; - = upslope towards south


Overall slope gradient of columns (absolute sgcn)


Row slope curvature


Column slope curvature


Direction the row slope is facing (2 = east facing, 4 = west facing


Direction the col slope is facing (1 = north facing, 3 = south facing


Number of hillslopes in the focal row. Hillslope number increments when the slope changes from down to up and vice versa.


Order number of a cell within a row hillslope


Number of hillslopes in the focal column. Hillslope number increments when the slope changes from down to up and vice versa.


Order number of a cell within a column hillslope


Variables in flow/dem_inverted (corresponds to FlowMapR’s XXXidem.dbf)

This list only includes variables not already described above in the Generic DEMs.

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
inv_initial_shed ShedNo The watershed number identifying intial watersheds defined prior to omitting small or shallow depressions, calculated after inverting the DEM
inv_local_shed Shednow The inverted watershed number identifying local watersheds calculated after inverting the DEM.


Generic stats file variables

These variables correspond to flow/stats files, which are non-dem summary files for flow mapper and include:

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
stats_pit XXXpit

Information on final pits

stats_pond XXXpond

Information on pond pits, including all ways in which local pits can over-spill and connect.

stats_fill XXXfill

Information on fill pits, including mostly likely sequence in which local pits would connect. This has similar information to stats_pond but the order is different (and important)

stats_inverted XXXipit

Same as stats_pit except that it is calculated for the inverted dem, so these represent peaks, rather than pits.

These files have all the same variables but differ in their order (e.g., pond vs. fill) and their values depending on whether the shed was inverted or not.

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
shedno ShedNo

The watershed number identifying pond watersheds for sequential pit filling.

edge_pit Edge

Whether or not the focal watershed touched the edge of the DEM

final Final

Whether or not this pit is a 'final' pit which spills over beyond the edge of the dem

end_pit EndPit

The final pit this watershed will eventually contribute to

shed_area ShedArea

Total number of cells in the focal watershed cachment

pit_row PitRow

Row number of the pit centre

pit_col PitCol

Column number of the pit centre

pit_seqno PitRec

Cell number of the pit centre

pit_elev PitElev

Cell elevation of the pit centre

pour_elev PourElev

Elevation of the pour point (lowest cell that can overspill into an adjacent watersched/cachment). Elevation recorded is the higher of the cell in the current watershed (in_elev) and the adjacent cell in a neighbouring watershed (out_elev)

pre_vol PreVol

Total volume (in m * cells²; you can multiply by grid*2 to get m³) of the pit pouring into this one (always zero for local pits)

pit_vol PitVol

Total volume (in cm * cells²; you can multiply by grid*2 to get m³) of the pit including all pits combined into this one

varatio Varitio

Proxy for the amount of rainfall in mm required to fill a pit completely; Calculated as a volume to area ratio

pit_area PitArea

Number of cells in a pit (you can multiply by grid*2 to get area in m²)

drains_to DrainsTo

Adjacent watershed that this one is most likely to overspill into

next_pit NextPit

Alternative adjacent watershed that this one would drain to if drains_to is already full

becomes Becomes

New watershed number when this watershed is combined with another

in_row InRow

Row number of the cell in the current watershed at the pour point

in_col InCol

Column number of the cell in the current watershed at the pour point

in_seqno InRec

Cell number of the cell in the current watershed at the pour point

in_elev InElev

Elevation of the cell in the current watershed at the pour point

out_row OutRow

Row number of the cell in the adjacent watershed at the pour point

out_col OutCol

Column number of the cell in the adjacent watershed at the pour point

out_seqno OutRec

Cell number of the cell in the adjacent watershed at the pour point

out_elev OutElev

Elevation of the cell in the adjacent watershed at the pour point

form_mapper() variables


Variables in form/dem_form (corresponds to FlowMapR’s XXXform.dbf)

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description


Slope gradient (%)*
slope_deg Slope gradient (°)*



New_asp (FormMapR option 'b' or 'c')

New Aspect: Aspect rotated 45° counter-clockwise. Results in true NE having an aspect of 90° as opposed to 45°.*




Plan curvature*

Qarea (FormMapR option 'a')

Diffuse upslope area (units = cells)

Qarea (FormMapR option 'b' or 'c')

Diffuse upslope area (units = m²)

Qweti (FormMapR option 'a')

Wetness Index (derived from qarea measured in cells)

Qweti (FormMapR option 'b' or 'c')

Wetness Index (derived from qarea measured in m²)
lnqarea1 Natural log of diffuse upslope area (derived from qarea measured in cells)

Lnqarea (FormMapR option 'b' or 'c')

Natural log of diffuse upslope area (derived from qarea measured in m²)

* Calculated using equations by Eyton (1991)

Calculated using the multiple descent flow accumulation algorithm by Quinn et al. (1991)


Variables in form/dem_length (corresponds to a combination of FlowMapR’s XXXlen.dbf and XXXrelz.dbf files).

This list only includes variables not already described above in the Generic DEMs.

These variables reflect information on the relative position of the focal cell (seqno) and the first of each feature type the focal cell’s flow path would cross.

The features explored are streams/channels (st), crests/divides (cr), pits (pit) and peaks (peak).

Note that variables prefaced by st, n2, cr, pit, and peak were only calculated in the original FormMapR when option c (compute full set of all possible derivatives) was selected.

LITAP Parameters LandMapR Name Description
st_row St_row*

Row of the first connected stream/channel

st_col St_col*

Column of the first connected stream/channel

st_elev St_elev*

Elevation of the first connected stream/channel

z2st Z2st

Vertical elevation difference from stream/channel

n2st N2st*

Number of flow cells to stream/channel

cr_row Cr_row*

Row of the first connected crest/divide

cr_col Cr_col*

Column of the first connected crest/divide

cr_elev Cr_elev*

Elevation of the first connected crest/divide

z2cr Z2cr

Vertical elevation difference from crest/divide

n2cr N2cr*

Number of flow cells to crest/divide

pit_row Pit_row*

Row of the first connected pit

pit_col Pit_col*

Column of the first connected pit

pit_elev Pit_elev*

Elevation of the first connected pit

z2pit Z2pit

Vertical elevation difference from pit


Number of flow cells to pit

peak_row Pk_row*

Row of the first connected peak

peak_col Pk_col*

Column of the first connected peak

peak_elev Pk_elev*

Elevation of the first connected peak

z2peak Z2peak

Vertical elevation difference from peak

n2peak N2peak*

Number of flow cells to peak

z2top Z2top

Vertical elevation difference from highest cell in watershed

zpit2peak Zpit2peak

Total elevation change from pit to peak for this flow path

zcr2st Zcr2st

Total elevation change from crest/divide to channel/stream for this flow path

zcr2pit Zcr2pit*

Total elevation change from crest/divide to pit for this flow path

ztop2pit Ztop2pit

Total elevation change between the highest cell and the pit cell in the watershed

ncr2st Ncr2st*

Number of flow cells between crest/divide and channel/stream for this flow path

pmin2max Pmin2max

Estimated % vertical distance above the lowest cell in the DEM relative to total elevation difference between the lowest and highest cells in the entire DEM.

pctz2st Pctz2st

Estimated % vertical distance above stream/channel relative to total elevation difference between crest/divide and stream/channel (zcr2st) for this flow path.

pctz2pit Pctz2pit

Estimated % vertical distance above pit relative to total elevation difference between pit and peak (zpit2peak) for this flow path.

pctz2top Pctz2top

Estimated % vertical distance above lowest cell in the watershed relative to total elevation difference between lowest and highest cells in the watershed.

pctn2st Pctn2st*

% flow cells above stream/channel relative to total number of flow cells between crest/divide and stream/channel for this flow path

l2pit L2pit

Horizontal, straight-line distance to pit (m)

l2peak L2peak

Horizontal, straight-line distance to peak (m)

lpit2peak Lpit2peak

Horizontal, straight-line distance from pit to peak (m)

ppit2peakl Ppit2peakl

Relative slope position (%) as distance to pit (l2pit) by total distance between pit and peak (lpit2peak).

l2str L2str

Horizontal, straight-line distance to stream/channel (m)

l2div L2div

Horizontal, straight-line distance to crest/divide (m)

lstr2div Lstr2div

Horizontal, straight-line distance from stream/channel to crest/divide (m)

pstr2divl Pstr2divl

Relative slope position (%) as distance to stream/channel (l2str) by total distance between stream/channel and crest/divide (lstr2div)

* From XXXrelz.dbf when selecting option c (compute all possible terrain derivatives)

From XXXrelz.dbf

From XXXlen.dbf, created when selecting option c (compute all possible terrain derivatives)

facet_mapper() variables


Variables in form/dem_fuza (corresponds to a combination of FlowMapR’s XXXfuza.dbf).



Eyton, J. R. 1991. Rate-of-change maps. Cartography and Geographic Information Systems. 18: 87-103

Quinn, P., K. Beven, P. Chevallier and O. Planchon. 1991. The prediction of hillslope flow paths for distributed hydrological modelling using digital terrain models. Hydrological Processes. 5: 59-79